"Biergerinitiativ Quo vadis Käerch"                               Founded in 2009


The “Citizens’ Initiative Quo Vadis Koerich” campaigns for the protection of historically valuable buildings in the community of Koerich.


Our Activities:


>> We organise periodical exhibitions about local historical topics.


>> We regularly hold conferences about local and national history.


>> We do research on the local history.


>> We campaign for the protection of our historical heritage, especially for the protection of our old houses, our churches, our tombstones as well as our wayside crosses.


>> We do genealogical research, and we organize guided tours in the church of Koerich and throughout our villages, specifically for the descendants of local citizens who emigrated. (see below)


>> We provide guidance to owners of old houses who wish to restore the building’s façade or replace its windows or doors.


>> We can even provide advice for people who wish to ask for subsidies from the “Institut National pour le Patrimoine Architectural (INPA)”.


>> We regularly support other regional associations by being present at their events or by manning a stand at book fairs.


>> We are a founding member of the Luxembourg Cultural Heritage Federation "Lëtzebuerger Denkmalschutz Federatioun" (LDF).


At the moment we are working on a chronicle of houses in the 3 villages of the local community. Once published, this book will list all the inhabitants throughout the centuries of all local houses that were built before the war.


This is why we welcome all old pictures and other objects of historical value from Koerich, Goeblange and Goetzingen.



See our flyer in English language

In April 2024 some descendants of the KESSELER family from Argentina came to Koerich to discover the village, the church, the castle and the different houses where their ancestors had lived before emigrating.

see the report in French here


In June 2024 we welcomed the descendants of a family from Goeblange that had emigrated in the 1850th to the USA. They were truly amazed by discovering the church in Koerich, the chapel in Goeblange and the different houses where their ancestors used to live before leaving. They enjoyed entering the house where their ancestors had lived.

see the report in Luxembourgish here